This installation “VACANCY” is registered in this series “NATURE MORTE” initiated by RERO in 2012 in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence. Through the term “VACANCY”, which he refers to his habit of a thick feature, Rero wishes to question the notion of space through polysemia in both the word VACANCY but also the AZF historical site. This installation questions the notion of a non-place, in anthropology on the part as defined by Marc Augé, but also defined in criminal procedure, as evidenced by the tragic history of this place. If the photography of the work resembles any industrial site, since it is difficult to really contextualize the space in which the installation is located, this does not correspond in anything to the definition of a non-place defined by Marc Augé, namely: “If a place can be defined as identical, relational and historical, a space that cannot be defined neither as identical, nor as relational, nor as historical will define a non-place. VACANCY in English means both ineptia, that is absurdity, but also emptiness or a position or vacancy. Here arises the question of available space, and how a place or empty space that may seem anonymous see interchangeable in appearance turns out quite on the contrary.

February 21, 2019