Lin Utzon

Cosmic Dance

“Nature has always been my greatest source of inspiration and wonder, and 22 years ago I started the work which I call Cosmic Dance,an infinite voyage of observing, drawing and painting nature,the rhythms and patterns of nature, seen close up and in great detail. By painting nature in black and white, in a cellular manner,and later by making sculptures in terra cotta also painted in black and white, I hope to make visible the essence of nature, the source from which everything comes including ourselves. During the process I came across two quotes that I feel express what I am trying to do, better than I can write it. Einstein “Stars, human beings, animals, vegetation and cosmic dust…we all dance to a mysterious tune intoned by a distant invisible piper” Goethe “Shadow is the lover of the sun, form is their child” Cosmic Dance and these two quotes have been like a red thread in my creative life over all these years,and now the work consists of a multitude of sketches and sketchbooks, 350 paintings with ink ón papir, 60 paintings with oil on canvas, 250 sculptures in terracotta, painted black and white, all dancing the dance of the universe.” -Lin Utzon